
Energizing Local Politics: Drew Kromer

Drew Kromer built a Democratic party precinct in Davidson, NC, recently served as the Vice Chair of the National Council of College Democrats, and is currently a PLEO delegate for Vice President Biden. We discuss the importance of local politics, building a deep bench of candidates and volunteers, and the need to show up and be engaged.

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Climate Justice: Julian Brave NoiseCat

Julian Brave NoiseCat is Vice President of Policy and Strategy at Data for Progress, Narrative Change Director of The Natural History Museum, author, and a First Nations member. We discuss the need for climate justice, what we can learn from our indigenous communities, and why durable clean energy policy is key to stopping climate change.

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Ending Urban Violence: Thomas Abt

Thomas Abt is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Criminal Justice, and author of Bleeding Out, The Devastating Consequences of Urban Violence--and a Bold New Plan for Peace in the Streets. We talk about why violence must be tackled first, how it is the lynchpin of concentrated urban poverty, and what effective violence reduction strategies should look like.

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Deliberative Democracy: The Irish Citizens’ Assembly

Jane Suiter and David Farrell helped co-found the Irish Citizens’ Assembly, a deliberative forum that puts citizens at the heart of the considerations for constitutional and political reforms. We discuss how regular citizens can be trusted to weigh the evidence, make nuanced policy decisions, and become deep stakeholders in civic life.

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Keeping Government Accountable: David Greising

David Greising is the President and CEO of the Better Government Association, Illinois’ only non-partisan full-service watchdog organization. Through investigative reporting and policy advocacy, BGA works towards transparency, efficiency, and accountability in government. We discuss the value of exposing corruption and empowering citizens to engage and act.

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Reimagining Civic Learning: Louise Dubé

Louise Dubé is the Executive Director of iCivics, an organization whose mission is to cultivate a new generation of students for thoughtful and active citizenship. We discuss the critical importance of high-quality civics education, the role of iCivics games in effective learning, and the necessity for robust investment and legislation in this space.

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Of the People, By the People: Mila Atmos

Mila Atmos is the Founder and Host of Future Hindsight, this very podcast whose mission is to spark civic engagement. In this mini episode with Associate Producer Myriam Zumbühl, we discuss how we are all part of the government through the taxes we pay, and how we need to hold our elected representatives accountable.

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The Sustaining Power of Passion: Mila Atmos

Mila Atmos is the Founder and Host of Future Hindsight, this very podcast whose mission is to spark civic engagement. In this mini episode with Associate Producer Myriam Zumbühl, we talk about the ongoing nature of civic engagement, the need to be continuously engaged, and the power of using your passion to sustain your efforts.

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The Three Dimensions of Freedom: Billy Bragg

Billy Bragg is an acclaimed songwriter, activist, and author. We recently sat down in front of a live audience at Columbia University's Holder Initiative to discuss his latest book, The Three Dimensions of Freedom, the current state of Western Democracy, how we got here, and what we can do to make it better.

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The Power of Civic Engagement: Mila Atmos

Mila Atmos is the Founder and Host of Future Hindsight, this very podcast whose mission is to spark civic engagement. In this mini episode with Associate Producer Myriam Zumbühl, we discuss what the term civic engagement means, and why we can only be represented if we participate in our society.

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The Time for Civic Engagement is Now: Mila Atmos

Mila Atmos is the Founder and Host of Future Hindsight, this very podcast whose mission is to spark civic engagement. In this mini episode with Associate Producer Myriam Zumbühl, we discuss how the podcast came to be and why we all need to participate in our democracy.

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The Blueprint for American Democracy: Ezra Levin

Ezra Levin is the Co-Executive Director of Indivisible, whose mission is to cultivate a progressive grassroots movement. We discuss the urgency of democracy reform, structural issues that relate to our nation’s history, and how we can achieve a democracy that truly reflects the will of the people.

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Eradicating Cash Bail: Robin Steinberg

Robing Steinberg is the founder and CEO of The Bail Project, an unprecedented national effort to combat mass incarceration by transforming the pretrial system in the US. We discuss how cash bail has been used to incarcerate millions of innocent people, what the collateral cost of this system is to our society, and how we should reconceive it.

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Census 2020: Ashley Allison (Rebroadcast)

“I would tell people to encourage them to participate in the census because when they are counted, they are seen, and resources can come to your community.” This interview with Ashley Allison of The Leadership Conference about the important role of the census for our democracy was originally released on October 5, 2018. She speaks...

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Micah White

Micah White is the lifelong activist who co-created Occupy Wall Street and the author of The End of Protest. He is also co-founder of Activist Graduate School, which is taught by, and for, experienced activists. We discuss the limitations of contemporary protest, how protest and activism can be revitalized, and whether the time for a revolution is now.

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Dave Archambault II

Dave Archambault II is a global leader for Indigenous Peoples’ rights and the former Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in North Dakota, where he led the movement against the Dakota Access Pipeline. We discuss his advocacy for indigenous rights, constructive dialogue between stakeholders, and the fundamental importance of a healthy environment.

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Alan Yarborough and Bill Steverson

Alan Yarborough is the communications coordinator in the Office of Government Relations of the Episcopal Church in Washington. Bill Steverson is a parishioner of the church in Tennessee. We discuss the power of civil discourse to engage despite disagreements, and finding common value with respect and humility to allow for a sacred space for debate.

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Marí Urbina

Marí Urbina is the National Political Director of Indivisible, an organization that cultivates a grassroots movement of thousands of local Indivisible groups to elect progressive leaders and realize bold progressive policies. We discuss the power of grassroots movements, speaking with one voice, and building an inclusive democracy.

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Brad Fitch

Brad Fitch is the President and CEO of the Congressional Management Foundation, a non-partisan non-profit organization that educates constituents on how Congress works, giving them a stronger voice in policy outcomes. We discuss the power of in-person meetings, the necessary preparations for successful advocacy, and productive protest.

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Julianne Hoffenberg

Julianne Hoffenberg is the Director of Operations of the Gathering For Justice, a social justice organization founded by Harry Belafonte in 2005. We discuss the holistic, multi-pronged approach for effective advocacy, the practice of Kingian non-violence, and the power of storytelling, art, and culture for social change.

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