Alan Yarborough and Bill Steverson

JUNE 7, 2019

“The practice of civil discourse really is about unlocking a way forward.”

Alan Yarborough is the communications coordinator in the Office of Government Relations of the Episcopal Church in Washington. Bill Steverson is a parishioner of the church in Tennessee. We discuss the power of civil discourse to engage despite disagreements, and finding common value with respect and humility to allow for a sacred space for debate.

Enhance understanding

The purpose of civil discourse is to enhance understanding, not to change minds. It’s always helpful to have a diversity of ideas, understand different perspectives, and potentially learn flaws in our own thinking. The pursuit of understanding is in and of itself a worthy endeavor.

Civil discourse curriculum

The five-week curriculum on civil discourse for the Episcopal Church is designed to facilitate productive conversations about society’s important issues. The curriculum focuses on creating dialogues in church communities where people can come together free from the constraints of political affiliations.

Sacred space for debate

Successful civil discourse creates a safe space for debate. Truly listening to another person’s thoughts and feelings is an important pathway towards finding common value. Coming to the table with respect and humility facilitates the sharing of ideas without judgement, and working through disagreement to unlock a way forward.

Find out more:

Alan Yarborough is the communications coordinator and office manager in the Office of Government Relations of the Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. He is also the co-author of the Civil Discourse Curriculum, a five-week masterclass on how to communicate as a society even when disagreeing and treat each other with respect and dignity. Bill Steverson is a parishioner in the Episcopal Church in Signal Mountain, Tennessee where he organized and led the Civil Discourse Curriculum in his local community.


Jackie Zammuto


Marí Urbina