But Is It Constitutional?: Julie Suk
We discuss whether executive orders can change the Constitution, the ongoing transformation of executive power, and the true intersection of the Constitution and democracy.
Be a Joiner: Pete Davis
We discuss why joining a club or an association is the glue that binds civic society to democracy. They are the classrooms for our citizenship!
Democrats, Hit the Reset Button!: Faiz Shakir
We discuss a vision for the Democratic Party that goes back to its roots and represents working people and champions issues such as healthcare, student debt, and wages through a class lens with Faiz Shakir.
Marxism for Americans: Andrew Hartman
We discuss the influence of Karl Marx in American politics and the continued relevance of Marxism today.
Truth or Disinformation?: Barbara McQuade
We discuss that Americans should prize truth over tribe with Barbara McQuade. A lot of disinformation is hiding behind the First Amendment – using the right to free speech to tell lies. The muddy media and information ecosystem is turning us against our neighbors.
Looking Out for the Public Interest: Paul Sabin
We discuss how the public interest movements in the 60s and 70s can be a source of inspiration for American democracy and why this movement was a formidable force in influencing public policy that benefits all of us, from traffic safety to the Clean Water Act.
Playing Defense for Democracy: Ezra Levin
We discuss what we can all do to say "no" to Project 2025, including getting Democrats to play hardball in local, city, and state offices, and to protect and win elections this year and in the midterms next year with Ezra Levin of Indivisible.
Know Your Rights: Monica Hopkins
We discuss many of our rights that are at risk under the new Trump administration, what our rights actually are–like due process and the 1st amendment, and an action plan for when they come under attack with Monica Hopkins of the ACLU-DC.
Organizing Is Power: Elyssa Feder
Elyssa Feder is the co-founder and executive director of Rising Organizers, which has trained nearly 4,000 activists and held fourteen intensive fellowship cohorts on community organizing skills.
How Political Parties Should Behave: Didi Kuo
Didi Kuo is a Center Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University and the author of The Great Retreat: How Political Parties Should Behave and Why They Don’t.
WFP Represents You!: Maurice Mitchell
Maurice Mitchell is the National Director of the Working Families Party. He's a nationally-recognized social movement strategist, a visionary leader in the Movement for Black Lives, and a community organizer for racial, social, and economic justice.